People for Pets--Magic Valley Humane Society Incorporated

A nonprofit organization

$465 raised by 10 donors

23% complete

$2,000 Goal

People for Pets Magic Valley Humane Society has operated the Twin Falls Animal Shelter for 25 years. A local group of people acted on their concern for the inhumane sheltering of dogs in the City of Twin Falls. The county did not have any shelter for citizens who found a lost/found/stray/injured dog or cat. The City shelter did not accepts cats. Dogs were held for only 48 hours and then euthanized. The euthanasia rate was 98%. The shelter was unsanitary and had no heat or cooling. The shelter was not maintained on many of the weekends so pets had to wait two days before kennels were cleaned and the dogs were fed. There were no incentives for adopting a healthy pet. People for Pets changed this. People for Pets made sure that all Twin Falls City and County pets had a shelter to go to.

The population of the county at that time was less than 60,000 now it is 80,000. Our annual intake is 2700 pets. We keep pets until they are adopted or returned to owner. We also have a great network with rescues and other shelters We started a media relationship that started with a Pet of the Week. Now it has branched out into more media including social media. We use the media to find pets homes, educate pet owners, and involve businesses and individuals.

People for Pets collaborated with local veterinarians for low cost spays/neuters and vaccinations for shelter pets. We also made the shelter environment disease free along with other shelter enrichments for both the public and the pets. We have also used grant monies to help with costs.

People for Pets has continued their commitment over the last 25 years and have some of the same founders still dedicated to keeping the shelter a safe haven for pets. We continue to educate ourselves to improve upon the animal's sheltering. Our adoption rate is now 93%.

We have provided a great environment for all service clubs 4H, Senior Projects, community service, counselors and clients, mentally impaired.

Our MEDICAL and ADOPTION FUND is the only way we are able to help pets with medical needs that will insure their adoption. Our need is tremendous and is funded only through donations and fundraising efforts. We sheltered an additional 700 dogs this year compared to last year.

Our goal is to continue to operate one of the best shelters. We cannot do it without you. All of the donated monies go directly to the dogs and cats at the animal shelter.


Organization Data


Organization name

People for Pets--Magic Valley Humane Society Incorporated

other names

Twin Falls Animal Shelter

Tax id (EIN)





PO BOX 1163


(208) 736-2299

Social Media