Organization name
People Helping People Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Community
265 East 100 South, Suite 280SALT LAKE CTY, UT 84111
People Helping People (PHP) is dedicated to reducing the number of children living in poverty by teaching low-income women, primarily single moms, how to earn an adequate income through successful employment. Each year, approximately 1000 women enroll in our employment program. Our goal: 550 clients will participate in our employment workshops and 380 will engage in one or more phase of our 4 Phase one-on-one mentoring and coaching program. Each single mom we help transition from welfare to adequate income saves our community between $5,000 and $20,000 annually.
People Helping People believes that every woman is capable and deserving of achieving success and self-sufficiency. We promote this belief by helping our clients see the benefits of work, identify and navigate barriers, understand their transferable skills, create a personal breakeven, and communicate their value to employers. Each year, our volunteer-centric program works with hundreds of women and/or single mothers who are under-employed. Teaching from the employer’s perspective helps clients learn how to navigate the world of work and build the confidence needed to make changes personally and professionally. PHP is shifting the paradigm from seeing people as problems to solve, to seeing people who are capable of solving problems.
Since our Employment Program was expanded 20 years ago, PHP has collaborated with over 350 agency partners, provided phone support and monthly Employment Tips Newsletters to over 24,000 women, educated over 11,500 women through our employment workshops series, partnered over 7,500 women with mentors and coaches, developed an Employment Strategies Network (ESN) to support clients who were newly employed or actively seeking job opportunities, and a Women’s Professional Network (WPN) to provide continuous employment and career advancement support, recruited and managed over 4 million dollars in volunteer hours, and made an economic impact for both tax payers and our communities of over 36 million.
The Brookings Institution reported that significant advances against poverty in the coming years will depend on significant increases in paid quality work. They indicated, however, that the reasons are not purely economic. While work increases earning ability, self-sufficiency, and reduces reliance on public assistance programs it is not just a means of income generation. Meaningful work provides families stability, a source of status and identity, a way to participate in a collective purpose, and social engagement outside of the family resulting in both physical and psychological well-being.
At PHP, we have seen firsthand how successful employment positively impacts the lives of women and their families. Women who become successfully employed contribute in many ways. They become tax paying citizens, support the economy by purchasing goods and services, become homeowners, and send their children to college.
We believe that the only permanent route out of poverty is an adequate income. Our Employment Program, through the work of dedicated volunteers and staff, is committed to creating an environment where single moms can and will flourish both in their careers and in life. Because when moms do better, kids do better. When kids do better, communities do better. When communities do better, we all do better.
If you are having any issues contributing, please let us know. Call PHP at 801.583.5300.
Thank you!
Organization name
People Helping People Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family , Community
265 East 100 South, Suite 280