People Helping People Inc

A nonprofit organization

$5,190 raised by 36 donors

People Helping People is dedicated to reducing the number of children living in poverty by teaching low-income women, primarily single mothers, how to earn a living wage. Each single mom we help transition from welfare to adequate income saves our community between $5,000 and $20,000 annually.

Before enrolling as a client with People Helping People, Rosa was a single mother of 3 with few English skills. She supported her family by cleaning hotel rooms while receiving food stamps and other assistance programs. In our program, she attended workshops, got assistance with employment skills through coaching and was mentored throughout the employment process.  After working hard in our program, Rosa doubled her income in 18 months and is now employed in a stable full-time position and receives bi-yearly bonuses. She has started a 401K and savings account and has her own apartment. She is part of People Helping People’s Women’s Professional Network, which allows her to stay connected to People Helping People’s successful clients throughout the community.

PHP asks Program Graduates to participate in an annual survey which measures employment status, personal development, achievement of financial milestones, and overall self-sufficiency. In Fiscal Year 2015, 96% are employed full time, 58% have been with the same employer for more than 3 years, 71% received at least one raise with an average of $1.74 per hour, and 96% have health insurance offered through their employer. Since enrolling in our program 44% started a savings account or retirement plan, 44% paid off their debt, 23% completed a 2 or 4 year college degree, 19% bought a new home, and 100% are not receiving and/or have been off public assistance for 2 years or longer. 

If you are having any issues contributing, please let us know. Call PHP at 801.583.5300 and we will walk you through the donation process.

THANK YOU so much to everyone who has contributed so far!

Organization Data


Organization name

People Helping People Inc

Tax id (EIN)



Education,  Community


205 N 400 W


(801) 583-5300