Phoenix Boys Choir

A nonprofit organization

$2,860 raised by 7 donors

29% complete

$10,000 Goal

Since 1947, the Grammy-award winning Phoenix Boys Choir (PBC) has believed that music unites, inspires, and changes children's lives and in doing so, can  change Phoenix communities. The PBC was created to give boys the opportunity to sing, to work together as artists and to express their emotional lives. We continue a long tradition of boys singing music created especially for them, a tradition that shows the special and ethereal sound of the unchanged boy's voice. For most American boys who want to sing, there aren't many opportunities like the PBC.

Our programs feature training in voice, music theory, and performance for boys. Each year, we offer a full season of concert performances offering a wide repertoire from classical to popular selections. We record CDs, participate in music festivals, sing with other professional groups and even host touring choirs.

For all our boys, from our youngest Cadet voices to the fully developed trebles in the Tour Choir, then on to the emerging tenors and basses in the Young Men's Ensemble, the Phoenix Boys Choir celebrates the voices of boys. Our boys learn emotional intelligence as well as mathematics (music requires calculating fractions), languages, leadership, discipline, teamwork and empathy. The culmination of this skill development results in benefits that last a lifetime. When the boys reach the performance levels of Town and Tour Choir, they have the opportunity to travel nationally and internationally. These experiences open up the world to a boy and help him develop independence, problem-solving skills and confidence, in addition to cultural awareness.

Our supporters provide the resources for us to provide a world class arts education while developing boys' social, emotional and life skills. That support  is crucial as we believe no boy should be turned away due to an inability to pay. 

Alumnus Testimonial

There are few experiences that can truly alter the course of a life. But three years in the Phoenix Boys Choir (PBC) were exactly that opportunity for me.  The choir provided me with a gateway to the world, a core support network, a quality musical education, an appreciation for my community and a better understanding of myself and my future.

My first season in the PBC was nothing short of remarkable. I quickly made friends at summer camp, which served as the social foundation of my time in the PBC. These friendships transcended socio-economic status, school backgrounds, and musical capacity. The PBC brought us together, and the shared experience of learning and making choral music nurtured these relationships.

My time in the PBC was a transformative opportunity for me. Looking back at those years, I am certain that I grew exponentially from the experience. The PBC was both a foundation I need to gain self-confidence and the launchpad to usher in my young adulthood. The Phoenix Boys Choir influences me to this day through a deep respect for music and a grateful reflection on the premise of advancement through opportunity and commitment.

--Alumnus Carlos Reyes

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Organization name

Phoenix Boys Choir

Tax id (EIN)







602 264 5328

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