Presbyterian Homes & Services Foundation Inc

A nonprofit organization

2 donors

From the beginning, our mission has been to provide shelter and care for those who might otherwise have neither. At the direction of our benefactor, Rose Anna Hughes, we established “a home for widows.”  The year was 1891 and in that era, unless a woman had substantial assets at the time she was widowed or had family members able and willing to support her, a widow was vulnerable and left to depend on charity or public welfare.

Today’s situation is different but the need is great and will continue to grow as many of the older adults in our society outlive their resources. In 1935 when Social Security was enacted, life expectancy was around 65 years of age. Today it is around 85 years of age. Many older adults find themselves living longer, but often with fewer resources.

Here are the stories of several residents the Caring Hands Fund has helped.

Louise, never married, kept house for her parents and her sister until the death of her parents. She and her sister moved in to an assisted living apartment with us. Her sister’s health declined and she was able to move from her apartment into the Health Care Center. Each day Louise would sit in a rocking chair by her sister’s side. Her sister has since died, but Louise continues to live in her apartment and the community continues to support her; spiritually, emotionally and financially.

Margaret moved in (with some funds of her own) seeking "a safe place to live." When her money was mismanaged by an acquaintance, whom she had trusted as her power of attorney, her funds were depleted, Margaret's care continued to provide a "safe place to live" until her death many years later.

Mary, a widow with no children, moved in with no one to help provide for her. With benevolent care to supplement her funds, she expresses gratitude continuously for a home with good care and company.

All of the communities of Presbyterian Homes & Services of Kentucky are committed to caring for our residents with compassion, regardless of race, religion, national origin or disability. We help our residents live their lives with
dignity and quality.

Thank you for partnering with us in carrying out our mission. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation; therefore, all donations are tax deductible.

Organization Data


Organization name

Presbyterian Homes & Services Foundation Inc

Tax id (EIN)





PO BOX 18067


(502) 259-9101