Organization name
The Pride Center of Maryland, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
2122 Maryland AvenueBaltimore, MD 21218
The Pride Center of Maryland (PCOM) is the oldest and largest sexual andgender minority (SGM) organization in the state of Maryland. PCOM is a primary source of support, affirmation and education for same gender loving (SGL), gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender, youth, young adults, and elders. We are committed to empowering and reducing harm and ignorance while building bridges across ethnicities, class and gender expression. PCOM is also a key influencer toward SGM related social justice issues and conflict resolution.
We guide our members through a roster of activities, including individual support and group gatherings (with food) for men, women, youth, elders, and transgender people. PCOM provides guidance for parents of sexual and gender minority (SGM) children.
We serve HIV-negative and positive people and offer sexual health, HIV testing, and linkage to care, PrEP, and other prevention options. PCOM provides health education, information, referral, diversity and inclusion, and cultural competence training for schools, higher education, corporations, churches, parents, and families.
PCOM also provides a general education diploma (GED) prep courses and an extensive membership rewards program. Rewards and cash prizes are available to members who successfully complete wellness courses and recruit friends to the organization.
Organization name
The Pride Center of Maryland, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
2122 Maryland Avenue