Organization name
Priority One Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
2200 W Hamilton Street Suite 204Allentown, PA 18104
The mission of Priority One-Charleston is to see men come into an intimate personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We must have compassion in order to get through the layers and walls that men hide behind for protection. These walls do not lead to protection but to isolation. We were created for relationship. We must be intentional about seeking men who the enemy has captured and set them free so that they live the full and abundant life that can only be found in an intimate relationship with the Father. This requires investment of time, talent, resources and prayer. We cannot do it alone. Our sacrifices are very little compared to the price that Jesus paid for us to have the same relationship with the Father. If we will invest these things then the “return on investment” will not only be seen in our life but we have the privilege to effect families for generations and expand the kingdom of God forever. Will we be follower of Jesus or are we men who know a lot about Jesus? We must become men who follow Christ and desire to live in the presence of the Father, walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, see men with the eyes of Christ and love them. All this to the praise and glory of our heavenly Father.
Organization name
Priority One Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
2200 W Hamilton Street Suite 204Phone