Organization name
Rebuilding Together Atlanta
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family, Community, Volunteer
PO BOX 12406ATLANTA, GA 30355
$2,150 raised by 6 donors
9% complete
$25,000 Goal
Safe and healthy housing is our strategic focus.
As a local leader in home repair for 30 years, Rebuilding Together Atlanta, Inc. (RTA) is leading efforts across the Atlanta metropolitan community to make high-risk homes safe and healthy while helping low-income seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities age safely in place through free home repairs.
RTA home projects consist of major repairs for residents who lack the funds to address major health and safety issues in their home. Using the evidence-based National Safe and Healthy Housing Standard, Rebuilding Together Atlanta conducts home assessments and develop scopes of work that ensure the most important repair needs are met in each home.
From retired tradespeople and high school students to professional athletes and U.S. members of Congress, every rebuilder uses their unique skillsets and voices together to deepen, widen, and broaden successes within and beyond our organization. With an unwavering commitment to our mission, Rebuilding Together Atlanta (RTA) and our stakeholders possess a shared belief in sustainable change through repaired homes, revitalized communities, and rebuilt lives.
At RTA, we amplify each other’s voices, mobilize our resources, and engage our assets for the betterment of our neighbors and community at-large. Our work affirms human dignity through our shared commitment to safe and healthy housing for all.
Last year, we served more than 600 people, repaired over 35 homes, and eliminated more than 200 home health and safety hazards. Five-hundred (500) individuals donated over 3,000 hours of service to support those in need. Because of our work, more than $420,000 was invested in communities in need throughout Metro Atlanta.
Rebuilding Together Atlanta (RTA) makes homes safer and improves the health of neighbors across Metropolitan Atlanta. Homeowners that received free services from RTA were surveyed by an independent third-party evaluator on the impact of the services. The evaluators findings from the study indicate that:
Our work increases safety for vulnerable homeowners.
Our work improves physical health.
Our work improves mental health.
Our work fosters independence.
Our work increases upward mobility.
Our work increases community connection.
For every $1 invested by RTA in each home, there is a projected $2.84 in social value generated through improved health, safety, independence, and cost savings, which is a projected average benefit of $22,452 per home.
RTA’s work not only has a significant impact on our neighbors, but is also a sound investment in our communities, reducing hospitalizations, growing opportunities to age in place, reducing home and utility bills, and improving the overall quality of life and wealth for our neighbors in need.
Organization name
Rebuilding Together Atlanta
Tax id (EIN)
Children & Family, Community, Volunteer
PO BOX 12406