Safe Passage Inc

A nonprofit organization

544 donors

When Melissa decides to leave, she won’t have time to pack. 

Holding her baby daughter Sophia on her hip, she’ll stuff some clothes in the diaper bag and rush to catch the bus before her boyfriend comes home. When she steps off the bus and arrives at Safe Passage, you will be there for her.

When someone like Melissa decides to come to Safe Passage’s shelter, they rarely have time to fully prepare. Leaving an abusive relationship feels risky, confusing, and scary. But staying feels even scarier.

When you give to Safe Passage, you make so much possible:

Your gift provides hope. Hope for a new life. Hope for a bright future.

Your support gives survivors safety when they desperately need it.

You give them room to heal. 

You provide justice.

Simply put, when you give to Safe Passage, you change survivors' lives.

Thanks to caring people like you, when Melissa and her daughter arrive at Safe Passage, we'll be able to offer them the support they need to begin healing - to replace their fear and confusion with safety and hope.

Please consider a gift to Safe Passage to help Melissa, Sophia, and survivors of domestic violence across our region. Thank you so much.


Organization Data


Organization name

Safe Passage Inc

Tax id (EIN)





(413) 586-1125