Seeds of Solidarity Education Center Inc

A nonprofit organization

48 donors

YOU Awaken the Power to Grow Food Everywhere with your contribution.  


Seeds of Solidarity is a richly experienced, community rooted organization in the North Quabbin, one of the poorest areas in the Pioneer Valley and the state. We provide cutting edge programs that foster health, justice and food resiliency in the region. And, we provide over 30 free resources as a national model and inspiraton to others. 

We are named a Top Rated Non Profit by! Check out our reviews at

Says a Donor: "We are so happy to be able to support the work of Seeds of Solidarity.  It is visionary and yet totally grounded in the needs of people right now.  Go forward and Grow Food Everywhere and we will be right behind you."

Our non-profit organization is based at Seeds of Solidarity Farm, a 30 acre site on Chestnut Hill Road in Orange, MA within the North Quabbin region.  Long vacant, the site is now vibrant and healing with abundant no-till gardens, solar greenhouses glowing with healthy greens, and energy efficient and artistic buildings. All electricity for the farm, education center, home and farmstand is from the sun. 

Our education programs include:

SOL (Seeds of Leadership) Garden for youth, Grow Food Everywhere for Health and Justice to feed young chldren and families in need, and gardening initiatives for survivors of violence, people in recovery from substance abuse, and those incarcerated. Our public tours and workshops inspire sustainable living and practices that build resilience in response to climate change. 

And we are founders of the North Quabbin Garlic and Arts Festival, a regional model of family fun and sustainability that we organize with our neighbors to revitalize and ignite local art, agriculture, community, and economy.  

SOL (Seeds of Leadership) Garden inspires service and activism among teens as they use their hearts, minds, and bodies to cultivate food and a hopeful future. Since the programs inception in 1998, over 350 young people, most low-income and underemployed have cultivated a quarter acre garden and donated thousands of pounds of vegetables to families and senior citizens in our low-income community; We freely share our curriculum  ‘Food for the SOL: Youth, Food, Justice and Community Building” to inspire others

Grow Food Everywhere for Health and Justice provides gardens to childcare providers and families in need of, and unable to afford fresh food, as as wellness gardens community health centers, libraries, converted factories, and a hospital Grow Food Everywhere beds include a  “mini-hoophouse” to extend abundant crops and much-needed nourishment of their family well into the winter, and enable an early start to fresh salads come spring.

We also offer lots of great tours, workshops, presentations and over 30 free resources to ignite, unite, and transform lives and communities.

Our website is full of great photos, stories, videos, and free resources.

Thank you for your support!!!


Organization Data


Organization name

Seeds of Solidarity Education Center Inc

Tax id (EIN)



Health Children & Family


ORANGE, MA 01364