Organization name
Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition
Tax id (EIN)
96 N Third Street Suite 375San Jose, CA 95112
SVBC works in communities across the two counties to make it easier, more convenient, and more attractive to ride a bike. We know that when people ride it’s good for their health, good for the environment and good for the community.
But while we are proud to have seen an increase in bicycling, the goal of safer streets has become ever more important. In 2015, the City of San Jose reported 59 traffic fatalities, a 35 percent jump from last year and the highest total in over two decades. In San Mateo County, El Camino Real is less than one percent of all streets in the county, yet is the location of nearly 15 percent of collisions for people riding a bike and nearly 20 percent of collisions for people who walk.
SVBC has been working toward Vision Zero, the goal to have 0 deaths and life-altering injuries on our roadways, since the early part of this decade. SVBC works closely with city staff and elected officials to advocate for better and more abundant bike lanes, safer freeway crossings, and laws fair for all road users. We are partnering with pedestrian advocates to plan for and promote a built environment that is safe and comfortable for everyone, especially the most vulnerable on our roads.
Your contribution helps Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition continue the programs and advocacy that turn people from “interested but concerned” into regular riders. Help us make our community better by making biking easier and safer for everyone in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties!
Organization name
Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition
Tax id (EIN)
96 N Third Street Suite 375