St Francis Animal Shelter Inc

A nonprofit organization

$5,010 raised by 28 donors

50% complete

$10,000 Goal

You can make a difference in the life of a shelter dog.  This year, we are asking for donations so we can remodel our dog kennels.  Our current dog kennels were built in 2004, when our building was constructed.  They've have not been updated/remodeled since then.  We know so much more now about disease transmission and the proper way to house dogs to reduce fear, anxiety and stress.

We want to replace our current metal and chain link fence dividers with stainless steel panel.  These are much more hygienic and easier to clean.

We want to replace our rusting chain link gates stainless steel gates that will have built-in food and water bowls.  This means no more knocked over bowls.

We want to add sound absorbing panels to the ceiling and walls.  If you've been in the shelter, you know how loud it can get when the dogs start barking.  As our walls and ceiling are metal, sound just echoes throughout the building.  Adding panels to the walls and ceiling will help minimize the sound travel, reducing the stress in both our cats and our dogs.

Our floor train covers and completely rusted and some we can no longer use.  We want to replace these with stainless steel drain covers.  We have an amazing volunteer who will fabricate these covers for us.  We need to provide the materials.

As our walls get sprayed down every day, we have several areas that are severely damaged by rust.  We need to replace a majority of the metal in the kennel area before the new stainless-steel panels can be installed.  Minimizing the corrugated metal will minimize the rust in the future.

The estimate for the complete remodel is right about $50,000.  Any person, or business, who donates $2500 will have the option to have a sign made for a kennel of their choice, displaying their sponsorship of that kennel.

We have some money already raised toward this goal.  Another $10,000 will help us toward ordering the kennel materials.  We need to raise about $25,000 more to get it completed.  Will you help improve the lives of shelter dogs?

Organization Data


Organization name

St Francis Animal Shelter Inc

Tax id (EIN)








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