Organization name
Star Project
Tax id (EIN)
700 R St PO Box 80242LINCOLN, NE 68501
On August 13, 2012, a homeless man had a seizure on a New York City sidewalk. According to several witnesses, the man and his dog, Star, were frequent visitors to the area. Many witnessed the seizure and alerted nearby police officers who were soon on the scene. Meanwhile, Star stayed near her master. Two officers, who initially responded, called for backup. When one officer came close to her master Star charged the officer, and the officer drew his gun. Star was reported dead, but miraculously survived the shot to the head and spent months in recovery.
Star was later adopted, and it was her family's mission to turn tragedy into a movement that would give dogs a chance. The STAR Project was formed to Save Those At Risk - whether it be animals who have suffered abuse and neglect, deemed special needs (such as herself), homeless or at risk for euthanasia, facing breed discrimination, and to dispel the Pit Bull stereotype.
The STAR Project provides rescue and advocacy to dogs in need, and will provide a safe haven through our network of approved foster homes. We will also provide medical care and training for the ones that need it most, and offer support and education to the humans that so graciously step up to assist them.
Organization name
Star Project
Tax id (EIN)
700 R St PO Box 80242