Organization name
Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church
Tax id (EIN)
6128 Yucca StreetLos Angeles, CA 90028
St. Stephen's is an informally dressed, richly diverse community of faith where the arts, social justice, & creative spirituality converge around a fresh, progressive interaction with traditional Anglo-Catholic liturgy.
At St. Stephen's We come together from all over the greater Los Angeles area, not to retreat from the pressures and turmoil of modern life, but to follow the “comunidad de base” model of active engagement and support of one another as a “priesthood of all believers.”
Our mission, our very reason for being, is to help one another understand, activate, and proclaim this message: that the good news actively and passionately embodied by Jesus is that God loves us — no matter what!
Organization name
Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church
Tax id (EIN)
6128 Yucca Street