Sunshine Rescue Mission & Hope Cottage

A nonprofit organization

43 donors

Providing a hand up and out of homelessness for over 67 years!

Sunshine Rescue Mission / Hope Cottage: This fifty year old Flagstaff institution has provided food and shelter to homeless men, women and children in Flagstaff when no one else did. They currently house 150 to 200 men, women and children every night and feed 200 to 250 everyday of the week. They also provide transitional housing and training.

Sunshine Rescue Mission is our men's shelter and community outreach center. Meals are served to the general public 3 times a day and short term guests may have an intake for over night stay's from 4- 6 pm.

There are 3 basic programs at SRM shelter services:
Emergency Services: 1-5 Days
Transitional Services: 1 week-2/ 3months
Discipleship Ministry: 12-18 months.

Community Outreach:

3 meals a day (7:00am, 12:00 pm, 6:00pm)
Daily Chapel Services(6:30 am, 7:00 pm)
Food Boxes & Clothing (3:30-5 pm M-F)
Seasonal Thanksgiving & Easter Food Boxes

The New Hope Cottage provides a loving and accountable environment of grace. We have found this allows the women and children who come to us for assistance to heal from the inside out.

Our facility provides shelter, meals, clothing, accountable goal planning and productivity. Daily, we have Christ-centered classes, chapel services and case management for spiritual growth. Life skills, parenting, jobs and computer skills courses.

Counseling, The Genesis Relapse Prevention Course  and group activities are also a part of the restoration components at the Mission and Hope.

We have Christ-centered tools to work through the internal hardships that our residents have encountered. We also provide educational classes and skills to move out of homelessness completely (Budgeting, Job Training, Jobs for Life, One-step Recovery).

Dorsey Manor is a transitional home for men who have jobs, or are on Disability and/or a Veteran. These men have first been resident’s at Sunshine Rescue Mission and then needed housing to further their stability as they moved out of Homelessness and back into the community.

Men may stay from 12-18 months; they a program fee, have a savings account, and live in a drug and alcohol free environment. We are very thankful to have Dorsey Manor as it is one of a kind in our community. We are the only men’s transitional shelter’s in Northern Arizona.

Harper House is a home where 3-4 Women transition for 12-18months after they have completed our year long Discipleship Ministry at the New Hope Cottage. The women pay a program fee, save money and are committed to jobs and education/training as they further their stability in coming out of homelessness.

Arizona Working Poor Tax Credit - Arizona law provides a credit for cash contributions made to qualifying charitable organizations that provide help to the working poor.  Donations to the Sunshine Rescue Mission and New Hope Cottage qualify for this credit.

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Sunshine Rescue Mission & Hope Cottage

Tax id (EIN)



Humanitarian Aid




928 774 3512

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