Southwest Human Development

A nonprofit organization

At Southwest Human Development, we are dedicated to improving the lives of Arizona's children and families. As the state's largest nonprofit focused on early childhood development, we provide essential services that help every child thrive.

Why Your Support Matters

Your donation funds critical programs like early literacy, developmental screenings, mental health services, and family support. These programs make a real difference, fostering a healthier and stronger community.

Donate Today

Make a donation at and support our mission to nurture Arizona's youngest residents.

See Your Impact

Meet the families we've helped and read their inspiring stories at Your contributions have a profound impact.

We deeply appreciate your support in building a brighter future for Arizona's children and families. Thank you for making a difference!

Organization Data


Organization name

Southwest Human Development

Tax id (EIN)



Education Health Children & Family


2850 N. 24th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85008


(602) 266-5976