The Humane Renaissance Movement, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

2 donors

No person in the HRM is compensated. We are truly a Non Profit. Our Fiscal Sponsor is Social Good Foundation, Inc. We are Living Our Commitment to Serve Others and to Help Change the World.

Your donation is a sponsorship to enable the HRM to do our Personal Growth, Community Help and Community Building projects. 

The HRM is simply a group of people (near and far) a Community- Common Unity, that Loves All People and want to do Good for All People. Connecting People through Shared Positive Experiences:The HRM Green Team, Sports, Recreation, Music, "A Kind Heart With Helping Hands" and "Community- Common Unity for Personal Growth to Transform Self and the World.

Why the HRM is created? The Dalai Lama shared-Prayer is a Start-How can the consciousness of Oneness literally and practically empower structures and institutions,actions and changes of habit so that peace moves from the ideal to the real deal? "We need a systemic approach to foster humanistic values of Oneness and Harmony". Perhaps prayer is a place to start but perhaps more is called for changing the way we see things, taking action so we are more in service to others, and truly stepping into a loving life.

Your donation/sponsorship goes toward these endeavors.

The HRM Green Team- Re-cycle to Re-create. The HRM partners with Paul Schler Building Maintenance to get contracts to recycle, job training and job referrals. We help change people's lives if not but for one day with work that pays a livable wage. Yes we do residential and business recycling and cleaning. You can help if you let us do your recycling and cleaning. We provide a Zero Waste Initiative. The HRM has helped over 200 people with our Green Team and job referrals.

The Rec-reation is Re-creation and S.P.A.R.C- Sports Participation Activities Re-creation Community Project. To raise money to have a 1 mile Race/ Fun Run/Walk in East Palo Alto, Palo Alto, East Menlo Park, East San Jose,San Jose, Richmond, Vallejo, San Francisco Hunters Point/ Bay View, San Francisco Mission District,San Francisco Golden Gate Park,  Oakland, Berkeley and more. Research has proven that Recreation and Exercise is vital to a "Positive Mental Health and Positive Physical Health". The HRM has sponsored people to participate in sports events.

The HRM does Community Blood Drives as part of our "We Love You Dr. Charles Drew Community Blood Drives.  Community Blood Drives create "Heroes" and develops "Altruism". This is a Personal Growth, Community Help and Community Building endeavor. Blood Drives keeps communities Safe and Healthy with the pre-screening and the blood screening. The HRM has recruited 600 "Heroes" to do Community Blood Drives with small Business in San Jose. We Partner with Blood Centers of the Pacific. The HRM looks forward to partnering with Lions International Medical Mobile Unit also.

The HRM would like to sponsor 100 youth and young adults throughout the Bay Area to participate in Community Samba Group for S.F. Carnaval . Give the Youth something Great to Do. Research has proven "Music is Healing" and develops Math, Discipline and Social Skills.

The HRM has a Fresh Fish Crew and your donation will sponsor 25 people for a Day on the Bay. Relaxing,mentoring and finding ways to help move them forward. Everyone will feels the sense of accomplishment and productivity of being a bread winners. Donors get fish for their donation also. The fisherman gets a part of the donation for their efforts and an incentive to continue to make progress to better themselves. The HRM has taken 15 people out for a Day on the Bay with the desired results.

Community Day and World Music Festival -"Music is A Healing" will be our major fundraiser and help the HRM become sustainable to do more Personal Growth, Community Help and Community Building Projects. This project will put local people to work doing the HRM Green Team Recycling, set up and take down and Security. 

Go to our website to view the HRM Movie with all the details. and


Craig Bright, Founder/President




Organization Data


Organization name

The Humane Renaissance Movement, Inc.


Community Economic Development Humanitarian Aid


753 Alma St. #113
Palo Alto, CA 94301


(650) 399-6341