Organization name
The Project on Government Oversight, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
1100 G STREET STE 500 Suite 900WASHINGTON, DC 20005
Recent Accomplishments!
Untangling Conflicts of Interest at a Broken Agency
Following 15 years of POGO raising concerns about conflicts of mission at the Minerals Management Service (MMS), the Interior Department agency responsible for oversight of offshore drilling, the executive branch adopted reforms championed by POGO to divide MMS into separate bureaus with strengthened ethics rules.Â
Shedding Light on Contractor Responsibility Information
POGO has been at the forefront of the fight for public access to information in the Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS), the governmentâs new database containing contractor responsibility information. In July 2010, Congress signed into a law a provision requiring information in FAPIIS to be available to the public online. POGO also updated its own database, the Federal Contractor Misconduct Database (FCMD), upon which FAPIIS is modeled.Â
Pushing Congress to Add Accountability Measures to Financial Reform
POGO played a pivotal role in strengthening the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act by working with Congress to add whistleblower protections for financial industry employees; rewards and protections for whistleblowers who provide tips to financial regulators; a Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit of the Federal Reserve; consumer financial protections; and greater independence for Inspectors General at financial regulatory agencies. These transparency and accountability measures will strengthen the financial regulatory system and help avert another financial meltdown.Â
Bringing More Openness to Executive Branch Agencies
With the December 2009 release of the Open Government Directiveâthe Obama Administration effort to bring increased transparency to the executive branchâagencies have been required to undertake a variety of open government initiatives. As part of an effort spearheaded by, POGO has been monitoring agency progress on these initiatives, and has worked with agencies to bring about improved compliance with the Open Government Directive as they move forward with their Open Government Plans. Â
Closing Secrecy Loophole in Financial Regulatory Reform Legislation
POGO led the charge in an effort to strike language from the Dodd-Frank Wall Act that had given the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sweeping new powers to hide its records from public scrutiny. President Obama signed a bill to repeal this portion of the financial regulatory reform legislation in October, 2010.
Organizing and Presenting 3rd Annual Whistleblower Film Series
Facilitating Monthly Oversight Training Series on the Hill
POGO's Congressional Oversight Training Series (COTS) continues to spark idea exchange, encourage collaboration, and hone the investigative skills of congressional staffers from both sides of the aisle.
Testifying on Capitol Hill
POGO testified before Congress 11 times in last 2 years to promote solutions for problems POGO's work identified.
Help POGO continue to Provoke Accountability!
Organization name
The Project on Government Oversight, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
1100 G STREET STE 500 Suite 900