The Rancho Cucamonga Community & Arts Foundation

A nonprofit organization

9 donors

WHY SUPPORT THE ARTS -- The Rancho Cucamonga Community & Arts Foundation believe that a flourishing, vibrant and culturally inclusive community is enhanced significantly by opportunities and experiences rich in the arts. Besides the obvious benefit of enjoying a wonderful concert, or seeing your child on stage for the first time, or wandering through an art exhibit filled with works of local artists, we wanted to highlight a few grander reasons as to why you should feel good about supporting the arts...

TRUE PROSPERITY - The arts are fundamental to our humanity.  They enable and inspire us-fostering creativity, goodness, and beauty. They help us express our values, build bridges between cultures, and bring us together regardless of ethnicity, religion or age.

STRONGER COMMUNITIES - Researchers have demonstrated that a high concentration of the arts in a city leads to higher civic engagement, more social cohesion, higher child welfare, and lower poverty rates.

HEALTH & WELL-BEING - Nearly 1/2 of the nation's healthcare institutions provide arts programming for patients, families and staff.  78% deliver these programs because of their healing benefits.

IMPROVED ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE - Students with an education rich in the arts have higher GPAs, standardized test scores, and lower drop-out rates. Children motivated by the arts develop attention skills and strategies for memory retrieval that also apply to other academic subject areas such as math and science.

Organization Data


Organization name

The Rancho Cucamonga Community & Arts Foundation

Tax id (EIN)



Arts & Culture


PO BOX 807


(909) 477-2700