The Safe Center LI, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

$38,077 raised by 119 donors

The Safe Center LI, Inc. is excited and honored to be a proud participant of #OneIslandGivingDay.  We are the only agency in Nassau County, New York providing comprehensive services to victims of domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, and trafficking -- women, men, children, and elderly -- all under one roof.  

Our mission is to protect, assist and empower victims of family violence and sexual assault while challenging and changing social systems that tolerate and perpetuate abuse.

Please help us reach our fundraising goal of $10,000 for #OneIslandGivingDay.

Meet Josephine, a survivor of domestic violence and
an inspiration to
Long Islanders.

Josephine is one of the Safe Center’s Domestic Violence Survivors who went from a desperate situation of severe physical and emotional abuse inflicted by her longtime boyfriend and father of her son. Her journey with the Safe Center went from a place of despair to empowerment to restored hope for a better future. She now serves our agency by advocating against domestic violence and symbolizes resilience to those who need encouragement to take the first step away from a horrific relationship and begin the healing process.

Josephine is just one of the many helped by The Safe Center each day.   In 2016, they assisted more than 4400 survivors and families impacted by Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Trafficking and Child Abuse. The agency provided more than 54,000 vital services to these individuals and their families, from mental health services to housing and emergency assistance. Trained hotline staff responded to 7087 calls from survivors and community members seeking guidance and services, and the Child Advocacy Center responded to over 820 allegations of child abuse. 

Meet Stephanie, survivor, educator, and advocate 

Organization Data


Organization name

The Safe Center LI, Inc.

Tax id (EIN)



Children & Family Community Humanitarian Aid




(516) 465-4700

Social Media