This Able Veteran

A nonprofit organization

254 donors


That’s the number of Veterans who take their own lives – EVERY day.  

We find that completely unacceptable. We are doing something to change it. 

Everyday things we take for granted, including going shopping, to a ballgame, to class, to dinner with family or getting on a plane, are things Veterans suffering with psychological trauma such as Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) often cannot do. Just the simple act of driving can trigger flashbacks. The right Service Dogs, custom-selected and trained for each individual’s needs, can give these men and women a chance to truly come home. 

The V.A. does not PAY for psychological service dogs.Veterans accepted into our program pay nothing for the purchase and an average of a year’s worth of training of the Service Dog. This includes customized anxiety/nightmare interruption alerts, travel to our campus, weeks of lodging and food, and our trauma recovery program. This cost averages $25,000. It is beyond the ability of most veterans to afford this themselves. So we fundraise for them. We offset it all.

Why? Because they are our nation’s protectors – they are sons and daughters, moms and dads, sisters and brothers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbors.  They gave their all and have come home forever changed – but there is a path through suffering.  There IS life after trauma!

We are getting results. Results are what makes things worth doing – and there’s no stronger testimony to the good our work is doing than from the Veterans themselves: “This is the biggest shift I’ve had since I’ve stopped using drugs, since I tried to commit suicide. This is major. I can’t help but smile. This program is a game changer.” Steve (husband) “There is nothing like it. It is like medication without the pills. It is treatment you want more of.” Luis (son, husband & dad) “My dog has changed my life. She brings more joy, helps me sleep and regulates my nightmares. It is allowing me to live my life again.” Henry (son & husband) “It is a lifesaver.” David (son, husband & dad) “If I can do it others can as well. I have hope.” Eric (son, husband & dad) “I think the greatest thing that has come out of this… is everybody stands taller.” Kevin (husband & grandpa)

“It has changed my life. I am happy for the first time in years. I am a part of my family again.” Jason (son, husband & dad) 


“Without This Able Veteran there would be a lot of vets that wouldn’t be here. I’m probably one of them. To everyone who makes this possible – thank you.” Jeremy (single father)


Organization Data


Organization name

This Able Veteran

Tax id (EIN)




