Organization name
Tillamook Estuaries Partnership
Tax id (EIN)
Tillamook Estuaries Partnership (TEP), is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is a part of the National Estuary Program that works throughout the United States and in Puerto Rico to protect and restore the health of estuaries while supporting economic and recreational activities.
Celebrating our 25th Anniversary as TIllamook Bay's designation as "Bay of National Significance" and the establishment of the Tillamook Bay National Estuary Project (TBNEP) on July 1, 1994, TEP has expanded its project area to include all of the bays and watersheds in Tillamook County.
Working with local, state, and federal partners, TEP will continue efforts to address loss of key fish and wildlife, decreasing water quality, increased erosion and sediment deposition, and the increasing magnitude and frequency of flood events, by engaging others through education and enhancing citizen involvement and stewardship.
Education is the key to helping a community become an informed, effective force in solving issues that impact watersheds. A major goal of TEP's Education Program is to provide opportunities for students, residents, visitors and policy makers to understand the impact of their activities on the natural resources around them. We accomplish this through a myriad of programs. Some are designed to make people think; some are designed for participants to get their hands dirty or their feet wet through recreation; and some use fun activities to disguise the learning that is actually taking place.
For grades K-5, our landmark events are the Children's Clean Water Festival and Down By the Riverside, where over 600 elementary school students are provided with hands-on outdoor educational experiences each year.
Your #GivingTuesday support will help fund our education and outreach programs and assist our efforts to instill compassion and stewardship for local environmental systems.
Organization name
Tillamook Estuaries Partnership
Tax id (EIN)
PO BOX 493