Organization name
Toberman Neighborhood Center Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Children & Family
630 W 1ST STSAN PEDRO, CA 90731
(310) 832-1145
Q: What percentage of San Pedro High School students test proficient and above in math?
A: Twelve percent.
Q: What percentage of adults in Toberman’s Community has a high school degree?
A: Only 33%
Q: Why don’t kids in many parts of the Harbor Area play in parks or even their front yards?
A: Parks are infested with gang members, and many kids have become unintended victims of gang violence in their own front yards.
Q: Where is a safe place for kids to go?
A: Toberman Neighborhood Center
Q: What does Toberman do for these youth?
A: Provide a safe haven, positive role models, help in achieving academic success, while building the skills they need to overcome neighborhood barriers…. And most of all HOPE.
Q: What Toberman program is supported entirely by private donations?
A: The Youth Programs.
Q: So, what’s the problem?
A: The problem is that the program is so successful; there are more youth than ever before being served and there is currently not the funding needed to support all of them.
Q: What can I do to help?
A: We’re setting a goal of raising $1500 for each of 100 of our youth, to keep the youth programs going.
Q: How long do I have to help?
A: Fittingly, by Mother’s Day.
Organization name
Toberman Neighborhood Center Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Children & Family
630 W 1ST STPhone
(310) 832-1145