Organization name
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Tax id (EIN)
Trinity Presbyterian Church of Northern Kentucky is a relatively new congregation. We began by meeting in homes and then a community center, renting space from a Lutheran Church on Sunday afternoons, and then meeting in the basement of the Creation Museum for three years. At the beginning of 2012 Trinity Presbyterian Church was able to purchase the historic Saint Boniface Church building and the companion schoolhouse (now renamed Saint Boniface Hall) in Ludlow, Kentucky. The schoolhouse was originally dedicated in 1872. Worship services were held there until 1893, when the church building was completed and dedicated. In 1915 the Saint Boniface Church building was destroyed by a tornado, but the schoolhouse was left untouched. Many of the near-by congregations rallied to assist the Saint Boniface congregation and the building was rebuilt and rededicated 13 months later. It is said that, "The newly decorated interior of the church showed a marked improvement over the appearance of the former design."
In 1949 Saint Boniface Church had about 200 families in regular attendance. But by the 1980s attendance had declined dramatically. It was decided that the Catholic Church would abandon the Saint Boniface Church facility and merge the congregation with the Saint James parish in Ludlow, Kentucky. There have been a couple of groups that have tried to use the facility as a church and for other purposes since that time. But their efforts have been unsuccessful. And this facility that has been called the "Crown Jewel of Ludlow" with its beautiful stained glass windows and its Gothic architecture is slowly decaying.
Our most pressing need right now is the repair of the roofing above the sacristies. In order to comply with public safety regulations, we must repair these roofs as soon as possible. Current estimates for the repair and reconstruction of the roofs stands at around $20,000, which is our current fundraiser goal.
All of the funds given through this site will be used solely for the restoration of the two buildings at this historic site; the Saint Boniface Church building (now known as Trinity Church) and the school house (now known as Saint Boniface Hall). No donations will be used for the operating budget of Trinity Presbyterian Church of Northern Kentucky.
The Fire Marshall has given us 60 day to make the basic, necessary repairs to our sacristies' roofs and the ceilings below them. While this is not the comprehensive repair that we are trying to raise funds for, these basic repairs will not last long without a comprehensive repair of the roof.
Organization name
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Tax id (EIN)