United Neighborhood Houses of New York Inc

A nonprofit organization

65 donors

The United Neighborhood Houses (UNH) Junior Board is a growing community of young professionals in their twenties and thirties dedicated to improving the lives of low and moderate income New Yorkers. The mission of the Junior Board is to support UNH's critical work of delivering social services and innovative programs to New York City neighborhoods through its settlement houses and community centers in the five boroughs. UNH acts on behalf of its 38 nonprofit members by advocating for public policies and social services, and working with them to build institutional leadership. Members of the Junior Board are UNH ambassadors, raising funds to support UNH's efforts and building institutional leadership by engaging socially responsible young professionals in the work of UNH and its settlement houses.

The Junior Board has focused its efforts on College Access, hosting a series of Career Panels for college-bound young people at settlement houses. Panels of young professionals have included accountants from Ernst & Young, a JP Morgan Investment analyst, a research assistant from The After School Corporation, a rising senior at The Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, and the Deputy Chief of Staff from NYC's Mayor's Office of Contracts. 

Another important project spearheaded by the UNH Junior Board is the Care Package Program. In 2013, the Junior Board was able to send 91 care packages to college students who had been assisted by UNH member college access programs. Recipients, including the winners of this year's Viacom Scholarship, from 11 different member agencies were sent support and encouragement with these packages as they study hard at Binghamton University, Stony Brook University, Cornell University, and Boston University, just to name a few. Thanks to donors, the care packages were filled with items like water bottles, pens, gym bags, snacks, USB drives, gift certificates, and more - great for students away from home for the first time.

Learn more at: www.unhny.org

Organization Data


Organization name

United Neighborhood Houses of New York Inc

Tax id (EIN)



Education,  Children & Family,  Community


NEW YORK, NY 10006


(212) 967-0322