Growing Up New Mexico

A nonprofit organization

Vision: All children and families thrive

 Mission: To engage the whole community, bringing together people and resources to create increased opportunities for young children and the adults in their lives to achieve their dreams and aspirations.

 Growing Up New Mexico (Growing Up NM) utilizes two parallel, mutually informed strategies in all we do, a direct service approach and a state policy approach, with each continually influencing the other. We believe that all families are capable of success if given the right opportunities and resources at the right time. In carrying out our work we strive to employ a multi-Generation, or “whole family” approach to simultaneously reach young children, parents, and other caregivers.

 Direct Service:

Each year, Growing Up NM provides high-quality early childhood programs, prenatally through age five, to between 3,500 and 4,000 families living in Santa Fe and Rio Arriba Counties. We offer home visiting services, infant and toddler care, Early PreK and PreK, family coaching, and referrals to community resources. We also provide support for home-based child care providers across the state.

 State Policy:

Growing Up NM’s work in state policy focuses on growing and supporting a streamlined, culturally competent, and responsive early childhood system that centers families. Through our policy work, we build public awareness and political will for investments in early childhood education and care, as well as broker partnerships among key stakeholders, so that every New Mexico child and their family will have equitable access to quality early learning opportunities and the supports they need to thrive.

Organization Data


Organization name

Growing Up New Mexico

Tax id (EIN)



Education Children & Family Community


SANTA FE, NM 87501


(505) 982-2002

Social Media