Utah Humanities Council

A nonprofit organization

$980 raised by 15 donors

We all know that there are great challenges in our times—ideas, concepts, beliefs, values that can divide us or unite us, affect our everyday lives, and have the potential to change our futures.

Utah Humanities provides opportunities to have real, face-to-face conversations about important matters, in situations where we feel safe and heard and where we hope to break through barriers of entrenched positions.

We offer Utah communities first-hand, engaging experiences that apply humanities perspectives to contemporary issues. 


“The Venture course changes the future of someone’s life. This course is really designed for everybody--for those who do and don’t have a job, for those from America, Iraq, Africa, or who are Native American, or single mothers. From all over the world, we met and agreed to make the change in our community and our families.”– Venture student

“The exhibit was extremely thought-provoking. It gives people a sense of how important work and workers are to our everyday lives."  – Museum on Main Street The Way We Worked Exhibition Visitor 

“The workshops have been the most valuable thing we have ever participated in. The information was clear, well presented, and easy to understand and get excited about.”– Heritage Workshop Participant

“I loved our group discussions and when we had guest speakers. I felt as though every conversation we had exposed us to new things and helped us to think critically about the world.” – Clemente student

“The Festival promotes our interaction with books and ideas in our communities; it inspires conversations with authors, readers, and aspiring writers.” – Book Festival Partner

“By reminding Utahns that thoughtful, good-hearted people disagree on almost everything, I believe we can continue setting a tone and encouraging local citizens to not give up on the founding ideals of our country—including simply this: that a diverse people can come together and create a country together.” – Community Conversation Partner



Organization Data


Organization name

Utah Humanities Council

Tax id (EIN)



Arts & Culture Education Community


202 W 300 N


(801) 359-9670