Utah Valley University

A nonprofit organization

5 donors

What is engaged learning and how can you help UVU?  

Engaged learning is the combination of traditional academic and hands-on education. This mode of teaching goes back to UVU's roots as a vocational school at its inception during World War II and persists today across the institution's full array of university-level programs.

UVU's mission is to provide opportunity, promote student success, and meet regional educational needs. UVU builds on a foundation of substantive scholarly and creative work to foster engaged learning. The university prepares professionally competent people of integrity who, as lifelong learners and leaders, serve as stewards of a globally interdependent community.

How can you help?

UVU is committed to meeting the higher education needs of the region and to providing all students with an outstanding educational experience. For many students financial assistance is critical to their ability to pursue a degree, but the University is only able to offer support to about two thirds of the students who request and need it. You can help by Donating to UVU today.  Your donations will be used to provide scholarships which help UVU engage students and the community.

How does your donation and support help students?

UVU students can experience engaged learning no matter what course of study they pursue. For entrepreneurship students, engaged learning may mean starting a business as a class assignment. For automotive students, it may be fine-tuning the engine of a race car. For literature students, it may mean teaching Shakespeare to disadvantaged youths. At UVU, engaged learning is woven into the curriculum at every programmatic level and across the University's eight colleges and schools. Beyond the curriculum, engaged learning occurs through internships, service learning, career development and other programs.

How does your donaton and engaged learning help your community?

Engaged learning is most effective when community partners get involved. Students can make unique contributions to local businesses, municipalities and non-profit organizations by putting into practice the things learned in the classroom. UVU's engaged learning emphasis creates stronger ties with the community the University serves while simultaneously enriching the educational experience for its students.

UVU Alumni 

This campaign is driven by the UVU Alumni Association for students who will become Alumni. Are you an Alum of UVU?  Did you attend the Central Utah Vocational School?  Utah Trade Technical Institute? Utah Technical College at Provo? Utah Valley Community College?  Utah Valley State College?  Well guess what? YOU ARE UVU!  If you attended the school when it was named any of these, you are an Alum at UVU.  Help us provide scholarships to UVU students.  Then check out the unique services offered by the Alumni Association at http://www.uvualumni.org/

Help UVU and Students Engage!  Donate right now!

Organization Data


Organization name

Utah Valley University

Tax id (EIN)





OREM, UT 84058


(801) 863-8293