Organization name
Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor
Tax id (EIN)
Vineyard is a church that blends the vibrant faith of the historic Christian creeds with a sympathetic approach to contemporary culture. Worship style is informal, with music in the pop-rock (with a dash of gospel) style. Dress is casual.
Combined average attendance at the weekend celebrations is over 600. About half of our newcomers are adults under the age of 34, though we've got some wonderful grandparents as well. Childrenâs Ministry is available at all services for nursery through fifth grade in age appropriate classes. Youth Ministry is also available at all celebrations. Fresh gourmet coffee is on hand before and after the celebrations.
Jesus is Our Center: Jesus is our shared treasure, the destination and path of our pilgrimage. Our spirituality is the one he forged in communion with the Father through the Holy Spirit. Through the Spirit, Jesus offers intimacy with God to all people and we are eager to make safe spaces for this to occur. We believe that all of life is spiritual, and that our brokenness can be restored and made whole through Him. We celebrate Godâs presence, love, and truth, pursuing lives of faith, hope, gratitude, and worship. God invites everyone everywhere into this way of life, and we believe it is the best possible way to live.
The Gospel Is Our Message: We embrace the salvation Jesus offers as the hope for the healing of our relationships with God, each other, ourselves, and creation. Our spirituality is active because Jesus is in the process of restoring the world at all levels by bringing His kingdom to earth through his body, the church. We seek to effectively express and communicate the message of Jesus in word and deed. Led by the Spirit of God, we are passionate about relieving suffering and fighting injustice, joining the God of the oppressed in living out the transforming message of the risen Jesus. Jesus calls his church to be a compelling force for good in the world. We were created to live for something larger than ourselves.
The Bible is Our Book: We believe the Bible to be a living Word, comprised of the God-breathed voices of many who have come before us, and trustworthy for revealing God and his ways. Our spirituality is to be biblical because the Bible is the story of Jesus. We affirm the central truths of the historic Christian faith as expressed in the Apostles and Nicene Creeds , seeing ourselves in a long line of generations taking part in the endless conversation between God and people.
Love Is Our Aim: The fundamental revelation of God in Jesus is Love, because everything about God is relational. Our spirituality is communal because Jesus called us to love each other and the whole church, which we honor in all its varied expressions, locally and globally. The way of Jesus cannot be lived alone. We value the image of God in all people, everywhere. We believe that we were created to live deeply with one another, carrying each otherâs burdens, sharing our possess-ions, to pray for and confess our sins to each other, to suffer and celebrate together. Itâs in these honest, loving relationships with one another that God transforms us and truth becomes a reality.
Organization name
Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor
Tax id (EIN)