Weingarten Children's Center

A nonprofit organization

$9,549 raised by 52 donors

Weingarten Children’s Center (WCC) was established in 1967 by parents who believed that deaf and hard of hearing children could learn to listen and speak. WCC’s mission is to leverage early diagnosis & intervention, advances in technology and comprehensive parent training to help children with hearing loss and other communication challenges reach their full potential.

Today, WCC partners with top universities using nationally recognized advances in education technology  to set the standard for next-generation listening and spoken language programs.

WCC programs and clinical services include:

  • Parent-Infant, Toddler, Preschool, Kindergarten and music classes
  • Intensive speech and language therapy services
  • Diagnostic evaluations, audiology, speech and occupational therapy
  • Professional training in Aural Habilitation and Cochlear Implantation services
  • and BabyTalk – an innovative tele-therapy solution with the ability to serve families around the world

We invite you to learn more about our nationally renowned programs, powered by advanced technology in the caring hands of top speech pathologists, audiologists and teachers of the deaf. Together we can help children to listen, speak and learn.​


Organization Data


Organization name

Weingarten Children's Center

Tax id (EIN)



Children & Family


3518 Jefferson Avenue
Redwood City, CA 95670