Whatcom Humane Society

A nonprofit organization

$39,020 raised by 198 donors

100% complete

$20,000 Goal

Thank you so much to our generosity community! 

You never cease to amaze us with your care, and we couldn't do it without you!💚


Be Our Humane Hero with Your Farm Facility Donation Today!

The WHS Farm Facility is experiencing significant issues with its aging water system. The copper pipes on the property are very old and have corroded, leading several pipes to burst within the last week. A temporary fix has been made to allow our farm caretaker to access water for the animals and keep basic operations running. However, major repairs must be completed right away in order to safely care for the animals and humans on the property.

Longtime WHS supporter Sullivan Plumbing is donating thousands of dollars in both time and materials to ensure the work is completed; nevertheless, the remaining cost of equipment and materials is still expensive, and this work must be taken care of immediately in order for WHS to continue providing daily care to the horses, goats, pigs, and other animals on site, as well as giving our farm caretaker access to water. Work has already begun and will continue over the next week. In tandem, we need your help to raise the current cost estimate of $20,000.

All contributions to our unexpected farm facility maintenance are extremely appreciated!

Project in Process: Your Donations at Work

Update 3: WE HAVE WATER!!!


Waffles is all smiles thanks to the AMAZING work of the team at Sullivan Plumbing who have successfully repaired our farm's plumbing system and restored access to water across the facility! We and the animals are so grateful to you, Sullivan team!!! 💚

We are getting SO CLOSE to raising the funds needed to pay for these repairs, thanks to the generosity of our community! Should we exceed our goal, all extra funds raised will go toward our $2,000-a-month hay bill and medical expenses for our aging equine population (we currently have 3 sweet senior horses in our care with a variety of medical needs).


Update 2: Repairs underway, with our best supervisors overseeing it! 🐴

The amazing team at Sullivan Plumbing has been hard at work, and they are ahead of schedule with emergency repairs to the water system at the Whatcom Humane Society Farm Facility! Work is continuing throughout this week...thank you for all of your generosity to get us to 70% to our fundraising goal so far!




Update 1: The Big Dig—thank you, Sullivan Plumbing!

Our Mission, Programs & History

The Whatcom Humane Society (WHS) has been caring for domestic, farm, and wild animals throughout Whatcom County since 1902. We believe that all animals, as sentient beings, have value beyond economic measurements and are entitled to legal, moral, and ethical consideration and protection. We seek to build a community in which all animals are treated with kindness, respect, and compassion. To make this vision a reality, it is our mission to advocate for animals; educate the community to promote humane treatment and respect for animals; and provide shelter and care for abandoned, injured, abused, or neglected animals.

As the oldest nonprofit animal welfare organization in Whatcom County, WHS is committed to caring for any animal in need. To do this, we operate three facilities: A domestic animal shelter, a farm facility, and a wildlife rehabilitation center, collectively caring for over 5,000 animals annually

As an open admission shelter, WHS turns no animal away, regardless of age, breed, temperament, and physical or medical condition. In addition, WHS provides 24/7 animal control & rescue services for the majority of Whatcom County, including the cities of Bellingham, Ferndale, Blaine, Sumas, Everson, and unincorporated Whatcom County and has relationships with both the Lummi & Nooksack Indian Reservations. We also offer humane education programming for K-12 students, animal welfare workshops and events for all ages, and public services that include a community food bank and low-cost spay/neuter and microchipping.

Organization Data


Organization name

Whatcom Humane Society

other names


Tax id (EIN)





2172 Division Street
Bellingham, WA 98226


360 733 2080

Social Media