Organization name
Win Family Services Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Statistical data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services indicate that there are over 4,074 Maryland children currently reside in foster care placements. The overwhelming number of children in need of foster care services is astonishing but fortunately the staff and supporters of WIN (What I Need) Family Services is doing something about it.
WIN Family Services, Inc. and it's affiliate programs, are a faith-based child and family mental health network serving vulnerable youth and families.
Our mission is to promote holistic, strength-based, and faith-based principles within the human service community. Our goal is to therapeutically support and strengthen youth, families, organizations and communities through the creation of innovative services, products and initiatives.
For over twenty-four years, WIN has helped thousands of Maryland youth and their families through its continuum of community-based treatment services and its holistic, strength-based philosophy of care. WIN recognizes the ever changing needs of communities and continually seeks to meet those needs. In addition to its child placement services and training, WIN offers a Community Wellness Center.
In order to increase the scope of our service, we are rallying the support of our local communities by requesting donations. Your support will ensure that our youth enjoy access to the resources they need to succeed!
Our youth have experienced far too many transitions, disappointments, and obstacles in their young lives. WIN helps to offset these difficulties with inspirational experiences that instill a sense of pride and self worth. Destiny Realized Equals Achievement Maximized (D.R.E.A.M.) is our arts and cultural enrichment program.
As a DREAM participant, youth utilize their strengths, gifts, and talents as a therapeutic tool and avenue for accomplishing life goals. Consequently, youth strengthen their positive communication and social skills at home, school, and in the community.
Give the gift that keeps on giving—invest in our youth! Your financial investment will support the holistic restoration of many youth and their families. We promise to be good stewards of your donations.
For twenty-four years, WIN has strived to empower at-risk youth, strengthen families and ultimately, improve vulnerable Maryland communities. We have begun to introduce our Family Strengthening trainings to local churches, communities, and other agencies. Family Strengthening is a deliberate process of providing parents/caregivers the necessary opportunities, skills, relationships, networks, and supports to raise their children successfully.
WIN’s Family Strengthening is rooted in the knowledge that the family is the basic unit involved in the development of each individual and society. We believe that strengths are inherent and discoverable in family life. Strong families help communities to thrive.
Organization name
Win Family Services Inc
Tax id (EIN)