Women Organizing Resources Knowledge and Services

A nonprofit organization

7 donors

Women Organizing Resources Knowledge & Services (WORKS) is an innovative nonprofit housing developer building "housing with a twist."

Since 1998, WORKS has developed award-winning affordable housing for more than 4,000 low-wealth families, seniors, and homeless youth. More recently, WORKS has begun serving homeless veterans and persons with developmental disabilities. Building on our experience in some of Los Angeles’ most racially-diverse and economically marginalized neighborhoods, WORKS is leveraging the built environment to grow healthy, sustainable communities.

WORKS serves families of modest means with limited access to affordable housing and safe nourishing food.  In the face of rising food insecurity, WORKS offers creative solutions that use food as a connector across cultures, class and racial divides; and inspires change through four strategic programs.

  • Advocacy: Growing leadership that impacts local and state policies that limit or deter access to fresh, healthy food.


  • Nutrition: Creative culinary classes led by local chefs re-imagine favorite cultural dishes with nutritious ingredients.


  • Access:  Weekly Pop-up Organic Produce Markets in Community centers offering fresh quality fruits and vegetables at affordable prices.


  • Gardens: Community gardens featuring heirloom varietals and edible landscaping.


Help WORKS raise funds to expand our housing and food justice programs!

Some of our highlights in the last three years include:

  • Distribution of more than 200 tons of organic produce.
  • Serving 1,000 families at “pop-up” organic produce markets. 
  • Hundreds of nutrition and culinary classes (for children, teens, adults and seniors) led by local chefs re-imagining favorite cultural dishes with nutritious ingredients.
  • Planting scores of community garden beds and plots that feature a variety of heirloom vegetables and herbs.
  • Championed over a dozen resident-led campaigns that have resulted in tangible wins; such as the revamping an elementary school nutrition program and influencing the Los Angeles Agricultural Working Group to promote the creation of healthy food access programs as a part of affordable housing developments.

Want to know more about the good work that WORKS is doing for its afforable housing developments and neighboring communities? Check us out at www.worksusa.org.

Many THANKS for your generosity! 


Organization Data


Organization name

Women Organizing Resources Knowledge and Services

Tax id (EIN)



795 N AVE 50


(323) 341-7028