Organization name
Coalition For Compassion and Justice
Tax id (EIN)
531 Madison AvePrescott, AZ 86301
Stagger Straight Community provides shelter for up to 45 adults per might from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m.. A meal is provided nightly. A segregated women's sleeping and bathroom area is provided.
Daily Bread serves meals Tuesday through Friday from 11 am to 1 pm. We provide between 75 and 125 meals 208 days per year.
Daily Bread Pantry provides food, diapers, personal items and pet food Tuesday through Friday 11 am to 1 pm
CCJ Thrift store gives away approximately $35,000 per year in household items and clothing to Open Door clients through a voucher program. Items donated to the Thrift Store support this voucher program, job training for our clients and net proceeds help fund other CCJ programs
Home Repair provides free health and safety repair to low income homeowners in the quad city area Yavapai County
Families with Children Services delivered through our Little Treehouse Center. Families are provided books, mentoring, job application assistance, a safe place to study for parents along with a play area for their children while job searching or studying
Organization name
Coalition For Compassion and Justice
Tax id (EIN)
531 Madison Ave