Ymca of Silicon Valley

A nonprofit organization

$6,755 raised by 66 donors

Give today to help ensure that NO KID is LEFT HOME ALONE THIS SUMMER.


Your gift makes a difference. Together we can ensure that every child is safe, healthy, and engaged in learning this summer. 

Despite the prosperity of Silicon Valley, 1 in 5 children live in poverty. For some children, summer vacation means camp, family vacations, visits to museums, parks and libraries, and a variety of enriching activities. But for thousands of families with limited resources, when schools close for the summer, safe and enriching environments for their children are out of reach, replaced by boredom, lost opportunities, and risk.

Children left alone during the summer experience learning loss due to a lack of exposure to high quality enrichment and learning opportunities. If this loss persists, these children face a higher risk for dropping out of school altogether. Unsupervised children and teens are more likely to use alcohol, drugs, and tobacco; engage in criminal and other high-risk behaviors; receive poor grades; and drop out of school than those who are supervised and engaged by adults over the summer months.

Watch this moving video testimonial highlighting how the Y had a life-changing impact on Cisco and his mother Francine.

At the Y, we are committed to helping more kids, just like Cisco, overcome these challenges. And we need your help.

The Y offers financial assistance for families in need, providing access to a safe place with enriching summer programming for those who need it the most.

Last year, with support from donors like youâ€Ĥ

  • More than 71,000 meals and snacks were served through the Y Summer Food Program, fighting hunger during the summer months by providing free and nutritious meals to children and families in low-income neighborhoods. Learn more about our Summer Food program.

Every dollar makes a difference. 

By making a tax-deductible gift to the Y, you can help us deliver vital programs that help provide kids with a safe place to learn, grow, and thrive this summer.

Together, we can create a better us!



Organization Data


Organization name

Ymca of Silicon Valley

Tax id (EIN)



Health,  Children & Family,  Community



