Agros International

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$25,000 Goal


We have a $25,000 match for GiveBIG 2022!!! Join us!

Agros advances a holistic model of economic and social development for rural poor through four key opportunity areas: land ownership, market-led agriculture, financial empowerment, and health & well-being. To date, Agros has partnered with 45 communities in rural Latin America, impacting the lives of over 12,000 people


Agros' four key opportunity areas:
- LAND OWNERSHIP - Owning land empowers families financially and spiritually, helping them become prosperous and resilient.
- MARKET-LED AGRICULTURE - Agros helps the farming families we welcome onto new land learn about and invest in modern farming technologies that yield better quality crops, in greater volumes, with more frequent harvest per year, on less overall land.
- FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT - In keeping with our vision that rural farming families become economically self-sufficient, Agros helps families learn how to manage money and build skills around budgeting, savings, and investing.
- HEALTH & WELL-BEING - If a family is to move from poverty to prosperity, the opportunity to own land and farm it profitably must take place in a context where basic human needs are being met.

In Agros' work in Central America, we've seen how climate change, agriculture, and poverty are deeply intertwined. Current farming methods do not meet the world's growing demand for food, do not generate enough income for those growing the food, and contribute a third of all greenhouse emission worldwide. It's well-documented that climate change disproportionately affects the developing world-which means the families Agros serves are among those who suffer most. From focusing on climate-smart agriculture techniques to addressing extreme poverty at its roots, to enduring through COVID-19 and two terrible hurricanes, Agros families are innovating and enduring in the midst of chaos and potential defeat.

To date, Agros has partnered with 45 rural communities in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua. Today, Agros is innovating in Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Honduras and walking alongside hundreds of families as they journey out of poverty and into prosperity.

Extreme poverty is a large issue to tackle, but with our holistic model, support on the ground, and incredible partnerships, we are able to make a big dent, ensuring permanent, generational change. Please join us in providing a hand up, not a hand out, to the most vulnerable!


Agros extends deep thanks and gratitude to the long-time, loyal donors who have so generously provided matching funds. We could not do this work without your generosity, which inspires so many others to engage in this vital work.

Organization Data


Organization name

Agros International

Tax id (EIN)





2225 4th Ave Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98121


206 528 1066

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