Community Builders Network of Metro St. Louis

A nonprofit organization

$436 raised

22% complete

$2,000 Goal

In 2011, over 30 community building nonprofits from across the St. Louis area came together to create a shared table where they could support each other as peers and advocate for critical issues with a shared voice. These pioneer members established the foundation of the CBN network that's now nearly 80 members strong.

Together, we envision a St. Louis region where neighborhoods that have been historically marginalized, especially minority neighborhoods, have equitable access to the resources and opportunities available to our area's most privileged neighborhoods.

Strong and supportive bonds among community building organizations have never been more important, and over the past year, CBN has continued working to support and strengthen the St. Louis region's community builders in three primary ways:

1. Strong Organizations: Our organizational capacity building programs support our members and their partners so they can do their best work.

2. Supportive Systems: Our civic capacity building programs build bridges across places, sectors, and silos and advocate for policies that strengthen our civic muscle.

3. Sharing Stories: Our public awareness building programs spread the word about what it takes to make our neighborhoods great places to live -- and why strong communities matter.

Your Give STL Day donation will help ensure that our funding streams remain diverse and continue to reflect the core of who we are: a shared table where we gather to support each other in this work and pull together toward a better future for St. Louis.

Thank you! This takes all of us!

Organization Data


Organization name

Community Builders Network of Metro St. Louis

Tax id (EIN)



Economic Development


3651 Olive St. Suite 100
St. Louis, MO 63108

