Organization name
City Hope St. Louis
Tax id (EIN)
5501 Delmar Blvd SUITE B410St. Louis, MO 63112
City Hope St. Louis provides opportunities to the unhoused community in the St. Louis Metropolitan Region to ensure all of our community members are sheltered, fed hot nutritious meals, and given hope through targeted teaching, empowerment, and provision of resources to our guests that will assist them with achieving personalized goals and long-term stability.
City Hope St. Louis was founded during the winter vortex of 2017 and incorporated in 2019. Currently, the agency has served thousands of unhoused individuals in the St. Louis region and looks to expand it's reach across the nation. We serve differently! Founded on the pillars of love, dignity and respect, we ensure that all of our guests are provided five star service and the resources needed for housing, employment, substance abuse treatment, mental illness treatment and counseling so they can live life to their fullest potential. Did you know that housing costs are rising making it difficult for our guests to obtain permanent housing? We are doing more! In addition to providing temporary emergency shelter, City Hope is working to provide semi-permanent and permanent housing solutions to the underserved population such as the unhoused, the elderly, the disabled and our nation's veterans.
We are expanding our scope! Did you know that almost 4 MILLION youth and young adults are homeless without access to adequate, safe and clean shelter spaces? Did you know almost 4 THOUSAND youth attempt suicide annually? We need to save our babies! In 2023, City Hope St. Louis will be opening youth living centers and child development centers to ensure our future generations are loved, cherished, empowered and more. Youth camps will help create great business leaders and orators. Our youth is the world's biggest asset.
City Hope, the global face of hope!
Organization name
City Hope St. Louis
Tax id (EIN)
5501 Delmar Blvd SUITE B410