Equality Florida Institute, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$60,000 Goal

Since our founding in 1997, we have transformed Florida from a state defined by Anita Bryant's anti-gay crusades to a leader of LGBTQ progress in the South. We have forged local nondiscrimination, business engagement, and safe schools strategies that are models for other states. In our organization's 26 year history, we've stood as a shield against dozens of anti-LGBTQ bills in Tallahassee. EQFLI's recent work includes:

-Helping pass more than 200 local non-discrimination policies, that protect over 10 million Florida residents from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression.
-Initiating partnerships with all of Florida's 67 school districts to provide supportive programs/policies for LGBTQ students through the Safe and Healthy Schools Program. Enacting safe school policies that create welcoming and supportive environments for more than 2/3rds of Florida's 3 million students.
-Promoting transgender equality and inclusion through our TransAction Florida Program.
-Pushing business leaders to adopt robust nondiscrimination policies and become strong voices for LGBTQ equality via our Equality Means Business and Open Doors Florida/Puertas Abiertas Program.
-Working to end the criminalization of people living with HIV/AIDS through our HIV Advocacy Project.
-Partnering with health care systems to ensure that LGBTQ patients receive inclusive care through our LGBTQ Health Equity program.
-Coordinating public education programs to advocate for common sense gun policy reform, promote racial justice, combat voter suppression, and support immigration equality.
-Working to prevent the harmful, dangerous practice of Conversion Therapy.

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Equality Florida Institute, Inc.

Tax id (EIN)



Education Community


P.O. Box 13184
St. Petersburg, FL 33733



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