Organization name
Girl Scouts of Louisiana - Pines to the Gulf
Tax id (EIN)
1720 Kaliste Saloom Rd Suite C1Lafayette, LA 70508
$1,098 raised by 10 donors
22% complete
$5,000 Goal
Girl Scouts participates in community service projects, environmental stewardship efforts, cultural exchanges, outdoor adventures like camping, hiking and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math activities.) Girl Scouts helps girls navigate an increasingly complex society in a safe and nurturing environment. When Girl Scouts see a problem, they aren't critics, they aren't apathetic; they get involved and rally others to help make a difference.
This year, Girl Scouts of Louisiana-Pines to the Gulf is raising crucial funds for Girl Scout Summer Camp. These funds will provide financial assistance for Girl Scouts to attend camp, purchase supplies for summer camp activities, and most importantly, maintain our camp properties. This ensures that Girl Scouts have a safe space to enjoy and challenge themselves outdoors. Join us in supporting Girl Scouts and Girl Scout Camp during Give for Good!
Organization name
Girl Scouts of Louisiana - Pines to the Gulf
Tax id (EIN)
1720 Kaliste Saloom Rd Suite C1