Organization name
Global Learning Exchange
Tax id (EIN)
18 Flynn Forest LnSt. Louis, MO 63122
Global Learning Exchange Initiative (GLXi®) is a nonprofit committed to strengthening the national literacy efforts in Guatemala with a high-quality proprietary curriculum in reading and writing instruction for children in grades one, two, and three. We provide comprehensive in-country teacher training, professional development, and resources (books, school supplies for students and classrooms, technology, and assessment tools) to support the curriculum.
Why do we focus on grades 1 - 3?
Children who stay in school through third grade and master reading comprehension and writing are more likely to complete their education, improve their economic opportunities, and be better equipped to adapt to economic, environmental, and technological changes.
According to a long-term study by the Anna E. Casey Foundation, "students who were not proficient in reading by the end of third grade were four times more likely to drop out of high school than proficient readers. In fact, 88% of students who failed to earn a high school diploma were struggling readers in third grade. Third grade has been identified as important to reading literacy because it is the final year children are learning to read, after which students are "reading to learn."
About Guatemala
Guatemala is the most populous country in Central America and has the highest fertility rate in Latin America. It also has the highest population growth rate in Latin America, likely to continue because of its large reproductive-age population and high birth rate. Almost half of Guatemala's population is under age 19, making it the youngest population in Latin America. 32% of the population is 14 and under.
While free education is mandatory through 6th grade, most Guatemalan youth do not reach high school, with 41 percent of all teenagers (13–18 years) out of school. Primary education in the public school system only requires children to attend school 4 hours per day, thus resulting in inadequate reading instruction and poor comprehension and reading ability. That's why reading and writing instruction focused on creative and critical thinking are at the forefront of the GLXi program. By creating a solid foundation in the early grades through the Open Books, Open Minds curriculum, GLXi reverses the negative spiral, gives kids hope, and makes a love for lifelong learning.
When you consider that primary education is the level that most influences a person's future, if there was ever an environment ripe for change, developing countries in the Global South are it. Guatemala has one of the lowest literacy proficiency rates compared to other Latin American countries, and poverty is very high, estimated at 55.2 percent of the population in 2023.
Before the pandemic, 61% of third-grade students did not achieve a minimum reading proficiency level, and nearly 85% of sixth-grade students were below standards. The pandemic made the educational crisis in Guatemala even worse. Such illiteracy rates would be devastating at any period, but in the information age, it is necessary to participate in local, regional, and global conversations.
Why Support is Important
Fundamental to GLXi’s mission is the belief that an educated citizenry can better create healthy, productive communities. This kind of improvement can uplift a nation. We believe that populations around the world are born capable and uniquely talented. The crucial missing factor for those individuals who won’t succeed and those who will is opportunity. We believe that all people deserve this opportunity regardless of where they are born, and it starts with education.
Current events vividly demonstrate the importance of thinking and acting globally to achieve a safe, equitable, and sustainable world. Improving quality educational access in the developing world is an important foundational step. For GLXi, the first step begins with Guatemala. We hope you will partner with us in our journey to achieve global literacy.
Organization name
Global Learning Exchange
Tax id (EIN)
18 Flynn Forest Ln