Isaiah 58 Ministries

A nonprofit organization

The essence of our mission is expressed through "Isaiah 58 Ministries CARES." This is an acronym that accurately and succinctly describes the focus of our ministry.
- "C"onnects services and resources to those in need. We facilitate and strengthen partnerships among area churches, restaurants, grocers, businesses, volunteers, and local health providers with residents of south St. Louis. We engage volunteers and clients, and facilitate resources to those without.
- "A"dvocates for the poor, restoring dignity and hope in the lives of those we serve. We strive to show people that they are accepted for who they are, wherever they are in life, and we are committed to a policy of non-discrimination.
- "R"efers individuals to critical community-based resources including: rent and utility assistance, health care, employment training, shelters, safe havens, and more.
- "E"ducates clients in nutrition and health through proven programs like "Cooking Matters" as well as offering life skills training. We offer counseling services, spiritual direction and recreational experiences for participants. We also provide hunger and poverty simulation education for volunteers who join us for immersion and mission experiences.
- "S"upplies emergency provisions and basic needs through our food pantry and thrift store. We are responsible stewards of over $1million of in-kind donations that we receive every year, including adult and children's clothing, food and other essential items. We are a leader within an integrated distribution network. We are centrally located and recognized as a trusted neighborhood resource easily accessible for those dependent on public transportation.

Organization Data


Organization name

Isaiah 58 Ministries

Tax id (EIN)





2149 South Grand Blvd.
Saint Louis, MO 63104

