PFLAG Cincinnati

A nonprofit organization

Join or donate to PFLAG Cincinnati via the donation options. Membership options are shown on the Donate page. You may also donate to our Scholarship Fund or Greatest Need (Click on Add a dedication to indicate if the donation is for Membership, Scholarship Fund or Greatest Need). Memberships run from Oct.1 to Sep. 30.

PFLAG envisions a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued, and affirmed, inclusive of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.

PFLAG realizes its vision through:

  • Support for families, allies and people who are LGBTQ
  • Education for ourselves and others about the unique issues and challenges facing people who are LGBTQ.
  • Advocacy in our communities to change attitudes and create policies and laws that achieve full equality for people who are LGBTQ

PFLAG provides an opportunity for confidential dialog about sexual orientation and gender identity, and acts to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human dignity.

Organization Data


Organization name

PFLAG Cincinnati

Tax id (EIN)



Education Community


PO BOX 19634