Organization name
Rainbow Center
Tax id (EIN)
2215 Pacific AveTacoma, WA 98402
Through education, advocacy, and celebration, Rainbow Center expands resources and safe space for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer, (LGBTQ) community.
We've been home to the LGBTQ community in the South Sound for 22 years. Programs like Tacoma Pride and our education courses reach tens of thousands of folks each year, creating safe space and increasing LGBTQ visibility. The funds we raise will help us craft a vision for Rainbow Center's future.
Rainbow Center serves as a resource hub for the LGBTQ and allied community in the South Sound. Our programs work to dismantle the intersectional challenges facing LGBTQ individuals and our community as a whole. Each year we provide direct Advocacy services to a thousand individuals, greet almost 4,000 visitors at Rainbow Center, and touch the lives of thousands more through events and partnerships.
Our Education Program teaches participants how to interact with our community respectfully and intentionally, and teaches the skills they need to become strong allies. We've provided training to school districts, healthcare providers, manufacturing facilities, and retail locations.
Rainbow Center also engages the community around LGBTQ issues through general outreach, on panels, and at community events. Finally, we produce Tacoma Pride. Arguably the most high profile LGBTQ event in Tacoma, Tacoma Pride inspires and entertains more than 20,000 South Sound friends, families, neighbors, and colleagues, as well as visitors to the area. In total last year, about 40,000 people experienced one of our programs or events.
Organization name
Rainbow Center
Tax id (EIN)
2215 Pacific Ave