Organization name
Tichenor Clinic for Children
Tax id (EIN)
1660 Termino AveLong Beach, CA 90814
$2,899 raised by 31 donors
97% complete
$3,000 Goal
For almost 100 years, Tichenor Clinic for Children has provided therapy services to children with disabilities and their families regardless of their ability to pay. We offer physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language therapy, swim therapy, an early intervention program, and orthopedic consultation for children ages birth to 18.
We also offer a Parent Empowerment Program where families create a strong network of support, parents and caregivers learn how to support their child's development, and learn how to become their child's best advocate.
Help us forge a strong community by supporting children early to reach their maximum potential!
"Tichenor set the bar for our family. We tried so many different programs and services and immediately knew that Tichenor was different. The therapists are so creative and lead from possibilities, not limitations! My son, who has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair, has set the bar in our school district, too. He was the first in the district to integrate into mainstream classes for ¾ of the day in 3rd grade. Now he takes the bus to high school - he loves it so much; he's the first one on and the last one off. And I know how to advocate for these things because of what I learned at Tichenor. Thank you for all you do." -Parent
Organization name
Tichenor Clinic for Children
Tax id (EIN)
1660 Termino Ave