Organization name
Wild Fish Conservancy
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 402Duvall, WA 98019-0402
Wild Fish Conservancy is a nonprofit conservation organization headquartered in Washington State and dedicated to preserving, protecting and restoring the northwest’s wild fish and the ecosystems they depend on, through science, education, and advocacy. Wild Fish Conservancy promotes technically and socially responsible habitat, hatchery, aquaculture, and harvest management to sustain the region’s wild fish heritage for generations to come.
Science is our compass.
Our organization was founded in 1989 by a group of scientists and advocates sharing a fundamental value that science, not politics, must be the foundation that guides salmon and steelhead recovery coastwide. Decades later, this steadfast commitment to science has never wavered and continues to be the compass that guides every aspect of our work.
With over 30 years of expertise in northwest fisheries, WFC conducts and publishes important wild fish research, develops model habitat restoration projects, leads effective outreach and grassroots campaigns to inform and engage the public on wild fish issues, advocates for science-based and socially-responsible fisheries management policies, and has a thirty year legacy of holding industry and government accountable for adhering to the environmental laws and statutes that are vital to ensuring wild fish, endangered orcas, and their habitats will be protected for future generations.
Support Wild Fish
When you donate to Wild Fish Conservancy, you're joining a dedicated community of wild fish advocates collectively investing and taking action to protect the northwest's wild fish heritage for generations to come.
Your 2023 Give Big! donation will help to:
● support research and advocacy working to advance responsible fisheries that prioritize the recovery of wild salmon and Southern Resident killer whales and equitable fishing opportunities for all coastal communities
● help commercial fishers in OR, WA, and British Columbia transition to sustainable commercial fishing techniques that can protect threatened and endangered fish
● work in solidarity with First Nations, scientists, and other salmon advocates in British Columbia to end commercial salmon farming throughout the Pacific Coast
● advance 40+ habitat restoration, protection, and assessment projects moving forward in 2023 in partnership with local landowners, Tribal Nations, government agencies, and others
● continue a thirty-year legacy of holding industry and government responsible for adhering to our environmental laws and statutes vital to protecting wild fish and their habitats
Organization name
Wild Fish Conservancy
Tax id (EIN)
PO Box 402