Pryor-Hock Wedding

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

HER Cincinnati
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Together we can break the cycles of poverty with affordable housing, education & recovery services.

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5 donor goal

Imagine being a victim of human trafficking. Or caught in the web of addiction. Or just struggling to keep a warm roof over your head...or the head of your infant.  Unfortunately, the cycle of poverty, addiction or human trafficking is difficult to break, and it can spin faster and faster out of control.  

But what if there was a way to slow down that whirling spin so you could jump out and land on your feet?

This is what Cincinnati Union Bethel does each day. Through programs that offer safe affordable housing, supportive services, medical care, emergency help, substance and abuse services, mental health services, and education - all leading to recovery and empowerment. Each dollar you give to this fundraiser gives women in our community one step closer to life-long self-sufficiency. 

Join us. Help us make a difference not only for today's woman, but for future generations. With your dollars, you are investing in the women's empowerment and the future of our community.

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