Diapers Urgently Needed: Please Help!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Help a Mother Out
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COVID-19 has caused diaper need to surge by 500%. Please help get diapers to local families in need!


raised by 4 people

$5,000 goal

Help Bring Hope + Healing To The Families Who Need It Most

This past year has been incredibly difficult for everyone, but no more so than the families that Help a Mother Out serves. These families have been disproportionately impacted by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, and since the pandemic began, demand for diapers has surged. This increasing trend shows no sign of slowing; HAMO distributed 7.8 million diapers in fiscal year 2020, and we have already distributed more than 7 million diapers to the community in the first six months of fiscal year 2021.  

Help meet the growing need.

Did you know that diapers aren't covered by public aid programs like WIC or food stamps? The pandemic has taken an extreme toll on so many safety net programs, diaper banks included. Take a look at this Washington Post article: Millions couldn’t afford diapers before the pandemic. Now, diaper banks can’t keep up.

Will You Join Me?

For every $1 you give to HAMO, $0.91 of it goes straight to diaper distribution - that’s powerful. Whether you give $5 or $5,000, your monetary gift will change lives.  

HAMO was started during the 2008 financial crisis, and they know the power of this grassroots community coming together during tough times. This past year has confirmed that we are in fact stronger together, and we ask you now to once again to donate and join in helping to lift up local families in need.

Help a Mother Out® has provided over 26 million diapers since 2009. 

Help a Mother Out® works to improve baby and family well being by increasing access to diapers for families in need. Their vision is a day when every baby has a healthy supply of diapers.

They distribute diapers to families in need through a network of social service partners including public health departments, family resource centers, voluntary home visiting programs and facilitated parent support groups. They also advocate for the inclusion of diapers in the social safety net.

Diaper Facts

  • Diapers are not covered by federal public assistance programs like SNAP (aka food stamps) or WIC (Women Infants Children).
  • Diapers are expensive: a month’s supply can cost a family $80-$100 (retail), a huge expense for low income families.
  • Diapers are a small thing but they have a big impact. It is not uncommon for families to make impossible decisions between buying diapers for their baby, feeding themselves, or other basic human needs. 
  • A study published by the Journal of Pediatrics (2013) linked diaper need to higher incidents of maternal depression. That is, lacking enough diapers for their baby made mothers feel like a “bad mother.”
  • While non-disposable diapering options (e.g., cloth diapering, elimination communication, compostable diaper service) are available to well-resourced families, low income families often live in transition (e.g., cramped living conditions, unhoused, shelters) and diapers often represent a larger portion of their monthly expenditures. As well, they more than likely lack access to private laundry facilities, and public laundromats prohibit laundering cloth diapers.

When you give, good things happen…

$50 delivers two cases of diapers (350+) to a vulnerable family.

$150 provides a month’s supply of diapers (1250+) for six newborn babies.

$250 provides diapers (2,000+) to a parent support group for one month.

$500 stocks a family resource center’s baby closet with diapers (4,000+).

$1,000 supplies a month of diapers (8,000+) for a family home visiting program.

$1,500 delivers two pallets of diapers (12,000+) to public health programs.

Your gifts will be used to fund our entire mission because every baby deserves a clean diaper.

Because Every Baby Deserves a Clean Diaper.® You can help.

This fundraiser supports

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Help a Mother Out

Organized By Lauren Treadwell

Giving Activity



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