Fundraiser for Sarah's Power Lift Recliner

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Peer Support Network
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The goal is to raise $2,460 for a power lift recliner with advanced headrest and lumbar support.


raised by 16 people

$2,460 goal

Update #1

Update posted 8 months ago
We're a third of the way to our goal - thank you all for your donations! I can't wait to get Sarah her new chair! :)

The goal is to raise $2,460 for a power lift recliner with advanced headrest and lumbar support technology. This chair will enhance the quality of life for Sarah and will contribute to her overall well-being and mobility. 

 In 2019, Sarah faced a decline in her mobility, which posed numerous challenges for her and her support system. However, Sarah's resilience and support from the community, particularly from the PSN organization, have been transformative. Through PSN's initiatives, Sarah had the opportunity to participate in art classes, channel her creativity, and contribute her artwork to local nonprofits and hospitals. 

100% of the funds raised will go directly towards purchasing Sarah's recliner

Power lift recliner featuring advanced headrest and lumbar support technology 

Giving Activity


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