SOS - Relief for Haiti's Dedicated Educators

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

The Joseph Legacy Foundation, Inc.
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Support Haiti's dedicated teachers & staff amidst chaos. Be an angel, ignite hope. Donate today!


raised by 0 people

$6,000 goal

In the midst of the chaos and uncertainty that shrouds Port-au-Prince, Haiti, there exists a profound testament to the indomitable human spirit - the unwavering dedication of the 52 extraordinary teachers and supporting staff at The New Victorian School. 

Despite personal challenges that would make many crumble, they rise each day and make the dangerous journey to school, risking their lives just to prepare for the day when our doors can once again open to young, eager minds.

Imagine their journey -- braving treacherous streets, navigating through danger, and holding steadfast to their calling. 

Many have lost everything – their homes burned to the ground in a vicious gang war that has displaced over 200,000 residents. Teachers like Ms. Margaret, her husband, and two teenage children now cram into makeshift living quarters with other family members, sometimes 6-8 people in a very small apartment.

Our school stands tall, a beach on hope amidst a storm. For these remarkable individuals, it is not just a place of employment; it is a sanctuary of possibility and a symbol of their resolute commitment to shaping the destiny of tomorrow's leaders. Amidst their own struggles, they understand the immeasurable impact they have on the lives of the children they serve - the hope they instill, the dreams they nurture. 

A testament to this is the wonderful news we review that for the 6th year in row, our 8th graders had an 100% passing rate in Haiti's state exams. 

But now their spirits are depleted; their strength sapped. They need us more than ever. Your donation provides immediate relief so our teachers can focus on the children, not where their next meal will come from. It helps those who lost everything find safe shelter again, restoring a small sense of normalcy amidst the chaos.

Please, let’s carry these teachers through this darkness. Keep their lights aglow. Any amount makes a difference – $25 buys food for a week, $100 helps them in their journey to seek permanent shelter.

Together, we can help them continue guiding Haiti’s children towards a brighter tomorrow. Our teachers need more than just our admiration for their sacrifice and service. Let’s offer tangible support today.

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