Fill a Backpack with Food !

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Strategies for a Stronger Sanford
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Sanford Backpack Program sends 7,500 food filled bags home each school year, help us fill them!


raised by 23 people

$37,500 goal

Each year the Sanford Backpack Program (an initiative of Strategies for a Stronger Sanford) sends about 7,500 food filled bags home with Sanford students age Pre-K through Adult Education and accomplishes weekly community food distributions during the summer.  This represents over 220,000 lbs of food that go out to Sanford families and help fill a meal gap that exists for students when they don't have access to free school meals! 

This school year we have also opened a new "Spart Mart" market type program to increase access to food for our high school aged students while also reducing the stigma related to food insecurity by making it fun, welcoming, and available to all.  

We haven't had a fundraiser since COVID as we we were able to access federal food based funding to assist our efforts, but now we need your help!  Because of our long time partnership with Good Sheppard Food bank we are able to fill a bag with nutritionally dense shelf stable food and produce very affordably.

Please consider helping us fill bags of food for Sanford students by making a donation now.  Every $5 fills one bag with food and helps a Sanford student and their family. 


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